“Common House,” an Italian marble sculpture by American sculptor Lauren Ewing, is displayed on the front lawn of St. Philip’s. It is part of the Outdoor Sculpture Project administered by New Hope Arts Center.
The artist’s statement about this work: “Common House is one of a collection of American premodern house types; they are familiar in every small town. As such, they are a part of social memory and contribute to our sense of belonging. Some were built in the late 18th century, and most in the 19th century. As they are well over 100 years old, they are disappearing from the rural and urban landscapes.
“This stone Common House is a Federal townhouse. Its simplicity and practicality demonstrate the frugality and independence of the early urban Americans. I added an elliptical dome center, taken, proportion-wise, from Borromini’s San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in Rome. I did this for the purpose of giving the home a sacred center. When exhibited indoors, the Common House has an illuminated center. It has been exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum in Florence. It was carved from a block of Bardiglio marble in 2014.” www.laurenewingart.com