At St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, we don’t pretend to have all the answers. But we’re not afraid to ask the big questions, including:

• How can I translate my faith into a more authentic, intentional expression of who I am?

• How can I use my faith to work for a more just, equitable, sustainable and peaceful society?

• How can I find my way forward in a world that often feels broken?

Practicing “Radical Hospitality”

 “Jesus invited everyone to His table, so all are invited to His table today.”

This sums up St. Philip’s approach to both worship and community. There are no litmus tests. All are welcome: artists and accountants, Republicans and Democrats, LGBT and straight people, those of other faith traditions, and those of no tradition. No exceptions.

Worship at St. Philip’s

We are a vibrant, welcoming and growing congregation, worshiping in a circa-1810 former one-room schoolhouse. Whether it’s a normal Sunday Eucharist with about 40 people in attendance or a special mass bursting at the seams, worship at St. Philip’s has an intimacy and immediacy that is anything but institutional.

Yet St. Philip’s is also a sacrament- and prayer-centered church adhering in identity and mission to the greater Episcopal Church USA. We follow the contemporary service found at

Walk the Walk With Us

Service is an important part of our commitment to be “boldly incarnational” in the world — whether through cooking for the monthly Community Peacemeal dinner, writing in support of prisoners of conscience throughout the world, or simply caring for the pastoral needs of people inside and outside our community.

So, come walk the walk with us. Visit us on a Sunday or a holy day. Join us for one of our service events. Take part in the discussion at an adult forum between Sunday masses. Or simply sit quietly in our memorial garden or take a walk in our outdoor labyrinth. At St. Philip’s, everyone is welcome — and we really mean it.

Celebrating Our Centennial

In 2020, St. Philip’s commemorated its 100th year as the Episcopal presence in New Hope. In celebration, our parishioners assembled “100 Things We Love About St. Philip’s.” Check out the List!

Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist
• Sunday at 8:15 a.m. (quiet service) and 10:15 a.m. (with music)

Evening Prayer
 Wednesday at 7:00pm (Beginning 2/21)

We live stream all services on our Facebook page. You can view the videos on Facebook even if you aren’t a Facebook member. Learn how on our Sermons page.