100 Things We Love About St. Philip’s
In 2020, St. Philip’s commemorates its 100th year as the Episcopal presence in New Hope. In celebration, our parishioners collected the top 100 favorite things they love about St. Philip’s.
This fall, we’ll produce a 12-month 100 Things calendar. Each month will feature eight or nine items from the list, along with photos of the church and the parish. We’ll offer the calendar for sale to raise funds to benefit St. Philip’s ministries.
Listed below are 100 things we love about St. Philip’s. Here’s to our next 100 years!
1. We’re 100 years old!
2. Chilly winter mornings in the sanctuary
3. Prayers of the People
4. Subzero Delaware River blessings
5. People from all walks of life worship in harmony
6. We are boldly incarnational
7. Sitting quietly before Holy Eucharist begins
8. An inclusive and inviting community
9. Collecting food for the homeless, including our Blessing Box
10. The warm, sincere feeling of love when we offer one another the sign of peace
11. How our church’s presence is felt – and respected – throughout New Hope
12. Our Cube Altar
13. Praying for fellow parishioners when they’re in need – and when they aren’t
14. We collect bras!
15. Our service and dedication to the vulnerable
16. Our always-burning Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle Box in the church window
17. That we, the Body of Christ, treat one other with loving dignity and honest care
18. It’s impossible to get lost in the shuffle at St. Philip’s
19. Laughter before the service
20. Laughter during the service
21. Laughter after the service
22. How gleefully Father Michael sprinkles us with holy water (asperges!)
23. Outdoor Stations of the Cross
24. Easter time and beautiful Easter flowers
25. Eastertide traditions, such as foot washing and the Great Vigil of Easter
26. References to the Holy Land, relics, Peanuts and Star Wars
27. That every member of our church community cares about one another in a truly genuine way – a rare gift
28. Spirited Easter egg hunts
29. Ashes to Go
30. Quiet Sunday mornings at 8:15
31. Musical Sunday mornings at 10:15
32. Our welcoming red door
33. The labyrinth in our front yard, which many walk in prayer or meditation
34. Sunday services adorned with flowers from our parishioners’ gardens
35. Morning Prayer
36. Evening Prayer
37. Picture-perfect weddings and baptisms
38. Marching in the Pride Parade behind our St. Philip’s banner (and cool cars!)
39. Our active participation in Peacemeal
40. Hot and humid First Sunday Potlucks
41. Making new friends – and, sometimes, life partners
42. When our tiny church building pops into view while approaching in your car
43. Stump the Priest
44. Barbara W.’s secret-recipe coffee cake
45. The rumble of the motorcycles on River Road
46. Summer at St. Philip’s
47. Our simple wooden cross
48. Folder drives for The Simple Way
49. Adult Formation
50. Being uplifted by the voices of our choir
51. The wide range of voices of our readers
52. We’re the only church with a Labyrinth Master
53. Running into fellow parishioners outside of church
54. The smiles when a certain redheaded child appears
55. Morning sunlight through the church windows
56. Our tiny sacristy
57. Sending “Write for Rights” letters to support the oppressed
58. Blessing fire engines (St. Michael) and vehicles (Elijah the Prophet)
59. Visitations from the bishop and other guest clergy and speakers
60. A church so picturesque passersby stop for a photo
61. The people of St. Philip’s, who are so alive and connected and help one another have faith
62. Our dedicated vestry
63. That we go out to do the work God has given us to do
64. That our community is so generous – with gifts, time and talents
65. The sound of our ancient Steinway
66. St. Philip’s t-shirts to wear in the Pride Parade (or at any time)
67. Livestreaming – and reaching new followers around the world
68. That Michael sticks to the message of the Cross, not the headlines
69. Annual Meeting giveaways
70. Crisp autumns at St. Philip’s
71. The anticipation of and preparation for Holy Eucharist on Sunday morning
72. The St. Philip’s bumper stickers and Be Peace buttons
73. "The Peace of the Lord be with you. ... And also with you.”
74. The way Michael – along with many parishioners – kept us all in community during the pandemic
75. Spiritual retreats to the Holy Cross Monastery
76. The communion of saints
77. The liturgical tradition of the Episcopal church
78. Annual house blessings (K.M.B.)
79. Praying with St. Philip on the road and at home
80. Blessing cats, dogs, chickens and turtles on St. Francis’ Day
81. Our beloved bell, calling us all to service
82. Fond memories of past events and actions – from the AIDS Walk to Krist Kindl Markt
83. Dropping off frozen turkeys at the parish house
84. Close friendships and a caring community
85. Our participation in New Hope’s Outdoor Sculpture Project
86. Volunteers who clean our church, bake communion bread and manage the bookkeeping
87. Our annual sock drive for the homeless
88. Diaper drives for Mexico
89. Lupe’s glorious array of hats
90. Our memorial garden that reminds us of beloved parishioners
91. Our varied (and sometimes unusual) concert series
92. When Michael reads out the names of online parishioners during Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
93. Yes, we are a real church
94. The glorious candlelit walkway on Christmas Eve
95. The hallowed AIDS Memorial Quilt hanging in our sanctuary
96. Transporting supplies for Code Blue
97. Peaceful snow-kissed Sunday mornings
98. The glow and warmth of crowded Christmas Eve services
99. Our beloved priest
100. Everyone is welcome, and we really mean it!